"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Mark and Anna Newton (married 20th March 2024)

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The Welsh Bridge Union Simultaneous Pairs

2024 Autumn Pairs

The dates will be 16 - 20 September with different hands each day. Clubs can play online or Face to Face and send in their results as normal. Local master points on district scale (i.e. more than club scale) will be awarded for the overall ranking. The files will be sent for the required day to the clubs entering and the commentary will be online at 10pm on the evening of the event.

How to enter

Please click here to email Anna if you wish to participate, giving your name, your club name and (if you think you are not already on our database) your full contact details. Do join us for these fun events if you can!

Entry fees and how to pay

The entry fee is £3.00 per player (£6.00 per pair) – cheques should be made payable to the Welsh Bridge Union please, and you should send it to

Jean Cufley
Bryn Eithin
Milford Road
SY16 2EF

Or (better still) you can do a bank transfer remembering to put your club name as the reference to:
Welsh Bridge Union
 Lloyds Bank, Roath Cardiff
Sort Code 30-92-07
Account number : 01381335

General Information

The funds raised from the Autumn Pairs will help support a Charity - we will advise you which one - and the WBU and its work with the development of bridge in Wales, and the funds from the Spring Pairs are used to help with the administration of the WBU and to support its work in Wales.

The WBU hopes that as many clubs as possible will join them for these events, which are to help raise funds for the Union - they are sure you will appreciate that as a small organisation, it is a case of "every little helps" !

The events are not restricted to Welsh clubs - all are welcome to join in and play these events. However, English clubs should note that the EBU has decided not to licence these events which means that overall master points cannot be awarded to English Clubs. However that DOES mean that non-affiliated English clubs are very welcome to join us and enjoy the fun of playing!

Have a look at the WBU Website