"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Mark and Anna Newton (married 20th March 2024)

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Scoring the Sims

Scoring the Simultaneous Pairs is very easy!  



We can now take data in the USBIO XML format that other systems use as well as our origonal four files. To send data to the ECats fully automated system just attach only the XML file to an email with a subject line with just the ECatsBridge session number a space and the country of the club ( this is the extra data we need that might not be produced by your scoring software ) then send this email to results@simpairs.com



For those of you playing an ECatsBridge event on-line using BBO then we can now import the data BBO produces. After you have finished playing on BBO go to our importer page at www.simpairs.com/BBO.asp and follow the instructions there.



You need to score your heat using one of the many that now work with our Scoring System, and the details of those are here. If you are using ScoreBridge or PairsScorer, you can find detailed instructions on how to send the files by clicking here

When you are done, log onto Internet using your own internet connection and send the files directly to us. You need to send us the four files, which will be called p.txt, c.txt, r.txt and e.txt

Please note that NO OTHER FORMAT can be used - we must have those four files or the USBIO XML file!

Also note that your club is identified by the Club Name and your telephone number (which will not appear in the URL). You can use a fictitious number but please if you have to re-upload to make a correction, then use the same number otherwise a second club will appear. We have to do that because different clubs often have the same name so we need a second "identifier" to ensure results don't overwrite each other anmd as our system is open to anyone the world over we can't register them with a club ID like the NBO's do.

To upload the files you should simply email them, all four in one email, not zipped, to results@simpairs.com. Do NOT include any messages with them though, as I don't see those emails. if you want to email me then send it to bridge@ecats.co.uk

NOTE that we cannot use files in any other formats!

After uploading, you should get an email form the system telling you either that the import was sucessful or the reason for the failure to import. If you are subitting your results via BBO then please allow a little more time as the import routine is a lot slower. Please check the results on line to make sure they have appeared correctly with all the players names, scores etc and that they are the right ones!

If you have your own scoring program, you can write an interface to produce the files we need quite easily - the definition files can be found by clicking here or you can use the USBIO XML format. If you are going to do this, please be sure to do it well in advance and test it thoroughly using 9999 as the session number, this is our test session and is always running,- do not leave it until "the night" of your event and then decide to do it please !

Once you have decided which program you are going to use you can have a "test run" by using session # 9999 and uploading or emailing the files to us at results@simpairs.com ... the results will then appear in our test area. It helps if you can do this and avoids any last minute panics!!

Links to all the pages about scoring are on your right, and you should also have a look at the FAQ pages which will give you more information.

First thing is - never panic! If you are worried about anything, contact Anna either by email or by phone on 01787 881920 and she will do her best to help.