"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Mark and Anna Newton (married 20th March 2024)

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Sims Events

Current, recently finalised and future events are listed below.

Current Events

WBU Autumn Pairs
Click here for Results Pages

Fédération Suisse de Bridge Weekly Pairs
Click here for Results Pages

The NCBA Simultaneous Pair
Click here for Results Pages

Test Area

The Test Area This area runs all the time so that if you use session No. 9999 you can test your results. Please test as much as you want/need to. Check as soon as you have sent a test up, as the results are cleared down regularly.

Forthcoming Events

NIBU Interclub Duplicate Pairs
Starting date: 23 September 2024
More Information

SBU Lord Thomson Trophy
Starting date: 14 October 2024
More Information

Irish Bridge Union Simultaneous Pairs
Starting date: 04 November 2024
More Information

Recently Finalised Events

ECatsBridge Summer Charity Pairs
Starting date: 05 July 2024
Finished date: 16 July 2024
Results Pages

For more events click here for the calendar