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Laws of On Line Bridge published by the WBF in 2001

(changes only, marked vs. relevant subsections of Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge 1997)


Law 66 - Inspection Of Tricks

A. Previous Trick
  Until the completion of a trick, declarer or either defender may, if permitted by the sponsoring organisation, inspect the previous trick
A. Current Trick
  So long as his side has not led or played to the next trick, declarer or either defender may, until he has turned his own card face down on the table, require that all cards just played to the trick be faced.
B. Own Last Card
  Until a card is led to the next trick, declarer or either defender may inspect, but not expose, his own last card played.
C. Quitted Tricks 
  Thereafter, until play ceases, quitted tricks may not be inspected (except at the Director's specific instruction; for example, to verify a claim of a revoke).